General Practitioners

Dr. Fiona Grant
Dr. Fiona Grant graduated from University College Dublin in 1994. She completed her medical training in various hospitals in Leinster, and then went to London in 2000 to finish GP Vocational Training and to gain membership of the Royal College of General Practitioners. She returned to Dublin in 2001 and went into practice in Sandyford Village. she left Sandyford in 2009 to set up Stepaside Medical.
Her special interests include Women's Health, Paediatrics and Asthma.
Appointments with Dr Fiona are held on Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Fridays.

Dr. Patrick Felle
Dr. Felle, a graduate of University College Dublin, has worked in Family Practice and in Emergency Medicine in Ireland and Canada. He also has an academic appointment in UCD.
Dr. Felle, having a Graduate Diploma in Dermatology, has a special interest in eczema and other skin diseases.
Apointments with Dr Pat are held on Thursday mornings.
Dr. Niamh Kiernan McConnell
Dr. Niamh Kiernan McConnell qualified as a pharmacist from Trinity College Dublin in 2007 and worked in both Community & Hospital Pharmacy in Ireland & the UK. She went on to study medicine in University of Limerick and completed her studies in 2015. Having completed her medical training in the areas of Paediatric Emergency Medicine, Adult Emergency Medicine, Elderly Care, Psychiatry, Gynaecology and Dermatology, she then completed her General Practice training in Trinity College. In addition she holds certificates in Dermatology (UCD), Women's Health (ICGP), and Substance Misuse (ICGP), and is a member of the Primary Care Dermatology Society and GP Infant Needing Network Ireland.
Dr. Niamh has research in Preventative Medicine, Medicine Management, Antimicrobial Prescribing, and has publications in Promoting Breastfeeding in Primary Care.
Her special interests include Preventative Medicine, Paediatrics, Dermatology, Fertility and Maternity Care, Breastfeeding, and Women's Health.
Appointments with Dr Niamh are held on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays.